Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Deuteronomy 30:19

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

Life rides on Choices we make. Choices we make on clothes we wear, food we eat, spouses we take and so on. God has given us such power to make choices so that we can be fully humans but He goes ahead and guides us to make the right choice which is Life. He wants us to choose life not because it will benefit Him, but because it will benefit us. Follow along the video to understand why and how we should make the Right choices in life. God bless you.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Power of prayer

The story of Daniel is a powerful one and we can learn so much pertaining to prayer and the Power therein. God has given us a great favor which is Prayer. Through prayer we are able to speak with our Father. Follow this short message which God laid in my heart about the Power of Prayer. Remember to Like, share and leave a comment. God Bless you.

Saturday, January 26, 2019


GOD of Restoration

 JEREMIAH 30:17 For I will restore health unto thee,and I will heal thee of thy wounds ; saith the Lord; because they called thee on Outcast, saying this is Zion, whom no man seeketh after. We worship a God able to turn things around. He is able to restore sight to the blind, He is able to restore life to dead bones. He is still able to restore lost happiness in marriages, lost health, lost faith. He is a God of Restoration. Watch the full message and I believe God will bless you. Remember to like, share and leave a comment.

Sunday, January 20, 2019


We have finished our 14 days of Contagious grace. We believe God has heard our prayers and answered them. We thus do not forget to give thanks to God. So we have taken 7 days to give thanks to God for what He has done and what He is about to do. This shall kick off from 21st January till 27th of January where we shall continue meeting weekdays from 5:30PM to 7:00PM then on Saturday from 2:30PM to 4:00PM. We believe this is our year of Increase but we also know that increase comes with a price - and our price here is listening to God, making time to pray and fully committing to His instructions. Every day God is doing a new thing and we must be aware.

Jeremiah 30:19
And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small. (KJV)

Friday, January 18, 2019


To all Single ladies and single Mothers. I know you might have a reason why you have chosen to remain single and even if you don't have a reason, you might have lost hope in finding a life partner. in this message, I want you to know  God wants you to settle. Settling here does not mean being comfortable with where you are, but being at the place where  God intended all His creation to be; -With a life partner.  God created a man and later a woman as a companion and a helper. It is not God's will for you to remain single. He wants you to be a helper to someone, someone who realy needs help, but you cannot be a helper if you don't know how to help. Follow along the message as I expound more on how to be a true helper from the book of Ruth.  in order for you to settle. Remember to like, share and leave a comment.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Every creature on the face of the earth goes through a battle of some kind. take for instance in the wilderness, when a calf is born, it has to learn to survive and fight its way to growth or else it is to be killed by predators. When the Israelites were coming out from Egypt, they had to face the wrath of pharaoh. When Jesus was born, Herod wanted him dead. Every one goes through these battles of life, because our enemy the Devil is not a friend but a predator praying on us to destroy us from attaining success. Battles will come in one way or another but the good news is that God wants us to win (Jeremiah 29:11) all these battles so we can live a life of fullness. Follow along the message and understand how we can emerge as winners in every battle of life. Remember to like, share and leave a comment let me know if the message has been a blessing. Be Blessed

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Favor is simply being accepted without any condition, we can term it as unconditional grant. God has given us Favor which we do not deserve, He came on earth to relate with us though we were sinners. God wants us to increase even more in His unconditional favor both with Him and our fellow humans.

The Bible says that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and gained favor with God and humans (Luke 2:52) Through this, Jesus was able to relate with anyone on the face of the earth. Once God's favor is upon you, you gain people's trust and love automatically. When God's favor in upon your life, you will enter where a few people will enter, you will gain an audience that a few tend to get, because God's favor approves you. With God's favor, struggle is limited in your life.

God's favor brings help in times of need. (Isaiah 49:8) ...In the time of my favor I will answer you.

Pray that God shall increase His favor upon your life

Sunday, January 6, 2019


Favor is simply being accepted without any condition, we can term it as unconditional grant. God has given us Favor which we do not deserve, He came on earth to relate with us though we were sinners. God wants us to increase even more in His unconditional favor both with Him and our fellow humans. 

The Bible says that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and gained favor with God and humans (Luke 2:52) Through this, Jesus was able to relate with anyone on the face of the earth. Once God's favor is upon you, you gain people's trust and love automatically. When God's favor in upon your life, you will enter where a few people will enter, you will gain an audience that a few tend to get, because God's favor approves you. With God's favor, struggle is limited in your life.

God's favor brings help in times of need. (Isaiah 49:8) ...In the time of my favor I will answer you.
Pray that God shall increase His favor upon your life.

Saturday, January 5, 2019


With new year comes new resolutions and new commitments. Everyone is busy organizing new goals to achieve the best out of the year. As believers, we need to consider putting the Spirit of God as the first priority. In your daily schedule, the people you choose to relate with, friends you decide to keep even the contracts you decide to sign, the question we should ask should be; How does this benefit the Spirit of God in my life. For we should be cautious not to grieve the holy spirit (Ephesians 4:30 message)This is because, the spirit of God is the only person keeping us alive and 'healthy' as believers. Make this year a benefit to the Spirit of God in your life.

Friday, January 4, 2019


Christ gave a directive to wash one another’s feet and, when we reflect upon it, we find a vital teaching. In the scriptural examples of foot washing for guests, we find that water was often provided so that guests could wash their own feet. Abraham provided water for  the angels this way. Abraham told them, “I’ll get some water so you can wash your feet. Rest under this tree” (Genesis 18:4, The Message). 
Feet washing is very important as it signifies; Humility in the Kingdom of God, it also means Spiritual cleansing. 

This Sunday, we shall be doing the same for all believers who shall attend, and by doing so, we believe that our lives shall be cleansed from all corruption of the Devil and  we shall be free to step into Dominion and Power this being our year of increase.