Friday, January 18, 2019


To all Single ladies and single Mothers. I know you might have a reason why you have chosen to remain single and even if you don't have a reason, you might have lost hope in finding a life partner. in this message, I want you to know  God wants you to settle. Settling here does not mean being comfortable with where you are, but being at the place where  God intended all His creation to be; -With a life partner.  God created a man and later a woman as a companion and a helper. It is not God's will for you to remain single. He wants you to be a helper to someone, someone who realy needs help, but you cannot be a helper if you don't know how to help. Follow along the message as I expound more on how to be a true helper from the book of Ruth.  in order for you to settle. Remember to like, share and leave a comment.

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