Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Favor is simply being accepted without any condition, we can term it as unconditional grant. God has given us Favor which we do not deserve, He came on earth to relate with us though we were sinners. God wants us to increase even more in His unconditional favor both with Him and our fellow humans.

The Bible says that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and gained favor with God and humans (Luke 2:52) Through this, Jesus was able to relate with anyone on the face of the earth. Once God's favor is upon you, you gain people's trust and love automatically. When God's favor in upon your life, you will enter where a few people will enter, you will gain an audience that a few tend to get, because God's favor approves you. With God's favor, struggle is limited in your life.

God's favor brings help in times of need. (Isaiah 49:8) ...In the time of my favor I will answer you.

Pray that God shall increase His favor upon your life

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