Thursday, February 14, 2019


You are saved, you attend Church services and you are a faithful tither, but you are still struggling. This was also the same with Paul. He was a powerful man of God but still followed by a fortune teller who in this story caused Paul to be aggravated. In everyone's life there is always something that seems to never let go irregardless of how much we try to throw away. It can be a bad addiction, an awful character or wrong relationship. At the ending of Paul's story, he became angry and rebuked the Spirit inside the girl and it left her. We are not told how long the spirit was inside the girl but it is certain that she had made a large amount for her master. We are not told how long she had followed Paul but it is certain that she did this for many days. In this video I dig deeper in the two major spirits that follow believers and how believers can overcome. Please like share and leave a comment. God bless you.

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