Saturday, February 23, 2019


Every one has a womb. It can be a dream or a goal which God placed in our lives to accomplish. Samson had a womb to rescue the people of Israel but this was taken away by Delilah. The devil will always try to take away that which God placed in us because he is afraid of how far we can go and how big we can become so he tries all he can to block us. Join me in this message as I talk deeper about the Spiritual womb of believers and how we can have a safe 'delivery' of that which God placed in us. I believe this will be a blessing to you. Please like, share and subscribe. God bless you.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Spirit of Slumber or sleep is so common today in believers' lives just as it was in the past. It is the Spirit of slumber that caused Samson to be tricked into loosing his strength. It is the Same spirit which caused the disciples not to realize the time when Jesus was to be taken away from them. Today so many believers are in the Slumber mode. Many are a sleep not able to know or tell what God is saying or where God is taking them. Many have lost the sight and touch of the Holy spirit. It is during this time that the enemy attacks. In this Message I go deeper in explaining about the Spirit of slumber, its effects to believers and how we should overcome it. Be blessed. Remember to like, share and subscribe.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


God does not use a Harvest to bring about a blessing, rather He uses a Simple Seed that later sprouts into a big Harvest. In this message we ponder on the Story of Abraham and the simple act he did to the three angels which released the blessing of God and brought about the promises of God to pass. When God is about to do something in our lives, He examines our hearts and waits for us to position ourselves. Abraham positioned himself for the blessing of God, He did an act of kindness to the three angels not knowing that he was releasing a seed that marked the beginning of a new life in his Family.  Follow along the message, like share and leave a comment and most of all Subscribe for more encouraging, equipping and empowering messages. God bless you.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


You are saved, you attend Church services and you are a faithful tither, but you are still struggling. This was also the same with Paul. He was a powerful man of God but still followed by a fortune teller who in this story caused Paul to be aggravated. In everyone's life there is always something that seems to never let go irregardless of how much we try to throw away. It can be a bad addiction, an awful character or wrong relationship. At the ending of Paul's story, he became angry and rebuked the Spirit inside the girl and it left her. We are not told how long the spirit was inside the girl but it is certain that she had made a large amount for her master. We are not told how long she had followed Paul but it is certain that she did this for many days. In this video I dig deeper in the two major spirits that follow believers and how believers can overcome. Please like share and leave a comment. God bless you.

Friday, February 8, 2019


In this message I'll be taking you through some of the Family foundations which keep people from prospering and how Foundations get rooted into people's lives. I will also point out the things which one has to do in order to be disconnected from these foundations.

When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalms 11:3. Join me and remember to share and leave a comment. Be blessed.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Since the year started, the Lord has been speaking to us on the matter of Increase. We believe that God is increasing us in every area of our lives all for His Glory. Even though God wants to increase us, He also wants us to encounter Him even more. God spoke to us about 14 Days Contagious Grace where we got to learn about how we can procure His Grace. He went on and guided us into 7 Days of  Thanksgiving where we realized the importance of Thanksgiving even for the little we have and maintaining a lifestyle of thanksgiving. Now God is activating our Spirits to seek him more because it is through seeking Him that we can find Him and it is through seeking Him that we shall live. Amos 5:4. Join us and be blessed.