Monday, December 31, 2018


I thank God for this far He has brought us. 2018 has been a blessing to us as CCF Church and I believe that 2019 is going to be amazing as God has promised to increase His blessings upon us. Prepare to see God take us to another level of Favor. #2019_our_year_of_Increase



Tuesday, December 18, 2018


She was cursed by her uncle who became angry at them over land disputes. The uncle appeared in her dream proclaiming that she and her entire family would not succeed. She has not been at peace and she has not been married. She came for prayers and by God's power, she found her breakthrough. Glory be to God.

Saturday, December 15, 2018


She was recruited into Devil worshiping and given a task to cause accidents and destroy churches. Follow along the video as she gives her testimony regarding her experience in the Devil's Kingdom. Glory be to God.

Thursday, December 13, 2018


As a Christian it can sometimes be easy and a routine to pray and live a righteous life. But you must understand that the fundamental aspect of being a Christian is Faith. It is easy to believe that a brother or a sister will fulfill their promises but it becomes challenging to believe in God to fulfill His promises regarding your life especially when it involves an impossible situation. Faith is the only language understood by God. God wants us to Know Him better, just as in the Story of Abraham, God began a journey of Faith with him. Teaching him to be patient and continue trusting in Him even when it was impossible to believe, even when it was too much to take in, Abraham still chose to believe. We have a choice to make either to have Faith or to Give up. Join me in this full message as I tackle the aspect of Faith and How Faith works wonders in the lives of those who choose to believe. God Bless you.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

spirit of Overcoming

We worship a God that Overcame the world and all the challenges that it brings. It is important for us to know that Just as Jesus overcame the world, we too should believe that we will overcame. We should stop living as people that are defeated but live as winners. Even if we face difficult situations in life, we should Not let them pin us down rather we should look forward towards the price that is ahead. Be blessed and live as an overcomer.